Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oops. is another embarrassing story I'd like to not forget. This one time we (and by we I mean me) had a great idea. We had our friends Chad and Mel over, and thought it would be fun to have a sleepover on Colby's parents balcony. It just happens to beon the top level of their house. So at 3:30 am we got the air mattresses upstairs, pumped them up, got blankets, got warm clothes on and got ready to slumber. Well, everyone was settled so the rest of the story goes a little something like this.
Me: "wouldn't it be funny (while shutting the door.) if we locked ourselves out.

Ohhh shoot

We locked ourselves out.

Colby's parents just replaced all the door handles in the house, and they are the weird kind that you can open for the inside even if they are locked.

Luckily: after some debate I brought my phone out.

Unlucky: it was 3:30 am so we couldn't call anyone.

Luckily: no one had to pee.

Unlucky: I got cold. With no way to get more blankets.

Luckily: Kristynn and Justin only live 1.1 mile away

Unlucky: everyone woke up having to pee.

Luckily: Justin wakes up early ish on weekends and saved our lives.

He came to the rescue, we all peed and all was well.

Thanks Chad and Mel for being such good sports.

Thanks Justin for saving us.

Thanks Colb for always putting up with my crazy ideas.

Moral of the story: Always check the door before you close it.

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