Thursday, January 19, 2012

The church is an amazing thing.

I am seriously so greatful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I have a little sister Named Alisha.
She was born with heart problems.
When she was 4 months old she had open heart surgery, 
and went into cardiac arrest
now she is has cerebral palsy.
She is 3/4 brain damaged. 
She is a doll though.
We have such a strong bond. She can't talk, but I know she loves me
and I can't put into words how much she means to me.
It's because of her I know I  need to take full advantage of the life, I have been given here on earth.
 Luckily for her, she has an express ticket to the celestial kingdom.

When I left school today I noticed I had a missed call from my mom, 
I called her back and she told me my sister has been in the hospital all day long. 
At 6:30 A.M she started to have seizures, she had them all day, 5 minutes apart.
 They have run test, but they aren't sure what it is. 

When I head this I just broke down, My poor little sister is in pain.
I imagine she is frustrated beyond belief, She has no control of her body.
My heart hurts because if she is in pain she can't tell anyone.
I cried, I cried some more and instantly thought she needed a blessing. 

One problem, I don't know one single priesthood holder in the whole state of Indiana.
I got home, got on the church website, found the bishop of the ward in columbus where the hospital she is in.

He is seriously a man of God. He comforted me, and went to the hospital with another worthy priesthood holder
and blessed my sweet sister. 

Are you kidding me.
Within an hours time my sister was comforted, and blessed
by a man I have never met in my life.
I am so taken back that he stopped what he was doing, went to the hospital, 
and served people he has never met. 
He served me.
A stressed out, hysterical, heartbroken daughter of God
on the other side of the country.

The Church is Amazing, that I can call someone on the other side of the Country who is so faithful that he is willing do that for me, for my sister, for my family.
I don't know if I will ever met this man, but I am eternally grateful. 

I know the church is true. I know that the priesthood has the power to bless and heal the sick. I am grateful for worthy men who hold the priesthood. I am grateful for the members of the church that are so faithful and are willing to serve on the drop of a hat. I know this is the Lord's true church. I know that Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us. He knows us by name and each of our names and desires. I know the atonement is real, and I am so grateful for it. 

Please pray for my sister, that they can figure out what is wrong with her, and she can have a speedy recovery. 


  1. Oh my goodness. Rashella. This gave me goosebumps all over my whole body. Seriously. I just read it to my friend and she said the exact same thing. You and your sister are in my prayers! Love you!

  2. I totally got goosebumps when I read this too and it made me want to cry! Don't you just want to go hug that bishop? Our church is pretty incredible. We will pray for your sister!

  3. Amen to Amy's comment above, I was about to comment pretty much the exact same thing. The church is amazing!!! Love you Rashell, I'll be praying for your sis.

  4. That is so touching. My testimony has truly been strengthened. Thanks for sharing and I'll keep your sister in my prayers.

  5. you are the sweetest sister ever, i look up to you so much! she will be in our prayers :)
